tanks who play scared, please play another role.. its not for people who play timid
tanks literally lead the charge of the team, we follow behind you.. when you move back, we move back.. when you move forward, we move forward.. there is literally nothing worse than vanguard players who have 2-3 heals supporting them directly, AND THEY PLAY SCARED. if you take a few hits and you start to retreat, you compromise the entire structure of the team, once you're not their focus, guess who they focus.. your healers, so now the team collapses. HOLD THAT FRONTLINE AND TRUST.
I need to make some additional comments because i'm just seeing too many comments to reply to them all..
"have you tried playing as tank?"
yes, I ran up from bronze to diamond in solo queue in under 40 hours with punisher/luna/magneto. but that's aside the point.. i'm well aware that what I describe in this post rarely happens in solo queue, the point is that if you know how this game works, and you play to your role consistently.. you will see more consistent results. after each great game, make the effort to start sending friend requests to people you played well with that seem to know their role as well as you do.. you know what you're signing up for when playing solo queue 🙄
"I try to do this but my team is never there so what the point?"
You can do everything right and still lose games especially in solo queue.. if you at least play your role properly and consistently, you are going to eventually move up. better to learn to play correctly, than to play poorly because of bad teammates, because eventually you'll come across a team that does know how to play their role and you'll look awful at the game for not doing your job correctly because of trust issues formed from terrible teammates.
"when I try to push up, nobody is behind me or i'm told not to overextend"
first of all, I never said to push up as a tank.. the way these OW-type games work is two teams clash in a head-on struggle, its a struggle to see which team can outlast the other.. tanks are the pillars that hold the team together, supports and dps reinforce those pillars.. pillars are the most integral role of the team, all im saying is that a tank that doesn't hold that frontline struggle, allows their team to essentially fall apart, im not saying tanks are at fault here don't get me misunderstood, im simply pointing out the importance of roles in this game.
tanks hold the line
supports reinforce the tanks at the line
dps applies pressure to the oppositions backline supports
when supports die, heals stop, dps die, tanks die. its gg.
this is the hero shooter in its most basic form.. obviously as you climb up the ladder, things get way more complicated than this. but understanding this concept, should get you out of gold at least..