Can someone point me in the right direction?

First let me start by saying I’m not a mathematician. I haven’t studied it since high school (14 years ago).

So here’s my problem:

  1. I am writing a sheet music book of Bach works, putting each work in a key that’ll work for the saxophone (the note ranges of the instruments they’re originally written for don’t always work for saxophone). The aim of the book is to have at least one work per key, there are 24 keys in total (12 major, 12 minor).
  2. I’ve already written down the range of keys each work could potentially be transposed into. Also note that each work can only be in a major or minor key.
  3. My question is… How would I go about working out the different combinations of all 24 keys being covered? Is there a formula or branch of mathematics or an online tool?

Any help would be massively appreciated. Thank you

EDIT/ Here's a visual representation of how I'm thinking about it in a spreadsheet. This is just a small sample of the entire thing:

Each Bach work is down the left, with some other info in other columns...

To the right of that, each column is labelled as a different key. Green=a major key. Red=a minor key. You can easily see where the keys overlap.

The overall goal here is to have at-least one work (or more) per key (12 major, 12 minor) and no works repeating