Mother in law won’t accept her mother is dying.

My wife’s grandmother, who I love like she’s my own grandmother, suffered a major stroke 51 hours ago. This is her 4th stroke and she is 96 years old. Her left side was crippled by stroke 1. Stroke 2 they did a procedure to release the clot, but she had a massive brain bleed and had a 1 in a million shot of recovery, which she did. Stroke 3 happed 6 months later and left her unable to walk or see very well but was still verbal, just no short term memory. It’s been 2 years since stroke 3 and now we are on stroke 4. This has completely crippled her right side and left her non verbal. The woman is suffering. My wife is a nurse and wants her grandmother on comfort care/hospice. Her mother who has power of attorney a will not make a decision of what to do and says that she thinks we are trying to Kill her mom. She continues to tell Dr.’s and nurses not to bother her. She wants to bring grandma home and thinks she’s going to make a full recovery. She is not letting the Dr.’s give her mom and pain killers. I see her suffering and confused in a completely broken body and it breaks my heart. I don’t want to lose this woman, but I do want her suffering to end. How can we bypass my MIL and get grandma into comfort care?