Any Suggestions for Metroidvanias to play based on what I've played so far?

Edit: Thank you everyone for your suggestions! I have a couple games to try and I've started Nine Sols now and I think I'll enjoy it.

I have played four metroidvanias and 100% three of them. Based on my rankings and experiences of each one, does anyone have any recommendations for new ones I could play?

  1. Hollow Knight:

10/10 experience. By far my favorite (or second favorite) game I've ever played. I've gotten 112% twice, once on Switch and once on PC. I've done randomizers, some speedruns, and gotten all achievements twice.

  1. Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown:

I really enjoyed most of the puzzles in this one and some of the bosses. The main reason this and #3 are in that order is because this one had by far my favorite combat system once I got used to it. The map was a little too linear at times imo. The postgame also left things to be desired. Once you beat the final boss, there's really nothing else at all to do and it falls a little flat.

  1. Blasphemous:

By far my favorite (or tied for favorite with Hollow Knight) atmosphere and exploration. The combat was ok, but I really wasn't a big fan of most of the bosses. I would play a game with the same atmosphere that is literally just exploring and unlocking the map with no boss fights.

  1. Blasphemous 2:

I played 3 hours of this and gave up on it. Part of this might be because it came out right after I finished the first one, so I was probably a little burnt out. Imo, it tries to do to much all at once right at the beginning and makes it overly complicated. The thing I liked about the beginning of the first one was how it started out very simple and gradually opened up. In 2, you immediately have 3 or 4 different choices to make and 3 or 4 different paths you can take and it was a little overwhelming for me.

Thanks ahead of time for your suggestions!

Edit: I completely forgot about Ori before I saw the comments. I played a couple hours of the first one, but it never really clicked for me. I'm not sure why.