Mushroom microdose experiences

I just wanted to share my experience microdosing over the past 1 year 1/2. Ive been doing capsules with 0.1g of shrooms and lions mane every other day now on and off for nearly the past 2 years. I started due to wanting to try anti depressants and someone recommended these to me instead, i was going through my first long stance of low mood (mainly due to situational factors) and so i tried them. After 3 weeks i instantly almost noticed a more positive thinking frame of mind, after a month i noticed i was more creative, passionate about my hobbies and i felt like i wanted to take better care of my health e.g motivated to exercise and eat cleaner. The effects were suttle and almost unnoticeable unless on reflection but i wouldnt go back now.

I notice if i dont take them for a month or two i tend to feel abit more demotivated and lower in mood so i do think they make a difference. I take them in the morning, for my days of microdosing i often feel abit more raw so if something makes me feel sad or whatnot i feel it a tad more than non microdosing days but this doesnt bother me too much.

Overall i definitley recommend!!