Local Credit Union recommendations (other than Affinity)

I moved from out of state and am looking to switch from a big bank to a local credit union. I tried opening an account with Affinity but they (after taking money out of my current checking account to put into an account that does not exist) denied me for "unverified history" (whatever that means). I've consistently had banking accounts since I was 15, no issues ever, so I'm not sure what Affinity is taking issue with. Also feels pretty scammy. I tried reaching them by phone but after being on hold for 15 minutes, the call was picked up then abruptly hung up. I have no idea why people rave about this CU. I've had better customer service with Wells Fargo of all places.

I'm pretty much only seeing Affinity recommended, so hoping there's something else out there that people love as well. If not, then any local banks?