Men like Jalen will drain you until you leave them first
Based on everything we’ve observed, he seems emotionally checked out. There is a huge contrast in how he used to celebrate her and love her vs now. His effort has declined fast. That only leads me to think he love bombed her. He wasn’t planning on keeping his effort consistent. It’s emotionally safer to be with a man who is reasonable and consistent than a love bomber who showers you in grand gestures and then switches up. Men like Jalen are too cowardly to leave the relationship because it’ll make them look bad, so he completely removes the level of effort and creates an anxious mess of her until she stops gaslighting herself and leaves first. That way he doesn’t have to be the one to end it and gets to keep his reputation intact. And meanwhile he gets to be in a relationship that benefits him while not having to put in the same amount of love and effort. He will continue to cut off her supply until she can’t withstand the neglect anymore. He is emotionally neglecting her and he knows it. We all see it. Monet needs to stop giving out generic relationship advice like she did in her latest YouTube and open her eyes to see how shitty her relationship is now. “Keep your independence”, “A relationship should only be an addition”, “Don’t settle.” She’s become anxious and is desperately holding on to a one-sided relationship. He is letting it crumble. No more mutual effort. That birthday story was the nail in the coffin for those who still believe Jalen’s gaslighting ways. He’s a narcissistic coward who will do whatever to avoid accountability.