Tips for new DM?

So to say I’m a noob would be generous to say the least. I have play a total of 5 sessions of ttrpgs two of which I ran as a dm and I feel it was a disaster though may players seemed to have fun and expressed interest in playing again, that being said I think i may have inadvertently fucked them over and idk how to fix it. For some context I’m running it pretty chill I have several one shots lined up and have there main place of operation being a space station they were marooned on after being fired. The space station in question is essentially out in the middle of nowhere ran by a married couple with some automated vending and medical units because I’m kinda lazy that way… anyways they rented a ship from them none of them have piloting but they needed the ship to do the mission they chose but I panicked and just let them use it say it has automated warp and piloting systems to a degree. The issue being they’re broke and the crashed the ship resulting in “mega damage” in the form of a hull breach which I let them repair with scrap from the wreckage they were exploring. The thing is idk how to proceed with the next session since I left off with them arriving back at the station. Idk how to proceed with repairs or what I should charge them for ship repairs or if I should make them indentured servants or what I should do. I know the game is ment to be hard for the players but we’re all very new and a more chill laid back adventure is what I’ve been going for.