Does a film like this exist? Chill Horror

Lately, a special genre of media has come to exist: Chill horror. I think it started with House of Leaves and then the idea of Poolrooms. Then it spawned video games that I adore: Anemoiapolis, Liminalcore, POOLS.

There's a place, it's inexplicably spooky, haunted, and scary, but there is absolutely no monsters or violence. It's just the place itself that is simply spooky. There's the excitement of exploration but no dangers.

Do films exist in this genre? I know there's a few films with no monster ever revealed, like my favorites It comes at night and Session 9, but these still have violence. Mothman prophecies is a great film with a monster that is spooky but non-villainous. Perhaps "Vivarium" comes close except with a lot of insanity and some third-act monsters.

But is there any film that focuses specifically on a non-violent, non-monstrous, spooky place that the protagonists explore?