The Ending of The midnight Sun 🤨

A teen romance about a 17 year old girl with a life threatening sensitivity to sunlight, who has her first romantic relationship with her longtime crush, but she doesn't tell him about her illness. 

This Movie will make you to believe that true love exists. . This rare disease is quite fascinating and allows the protagonist to still be pretty. Bella Thorne and Patrick Arnold Schwarzenegger Were good and I think the side characters were quite funny and likable , but the third half just messes up the whole experience and good things about the movie . A scene where she asks her dad to just let her go out in the day when she wanted to go to the boat with Charlie after they realise she is gona die no matter what, he lets her off too ease. This just doesn't make any sense . It's so silly and bad. Is going to a boat in the sun is so important for her?? What about in the evening?? Lol and the father just let her go lol . You can have all the fun in the evening/night time. They could have moved to counties where it rains all seasons and hardy any sun . Anyways it sucks due to this scene at the very end. What's your thoughts about the movie in general and the ending?