Decades of dancing around each other
Hi there. So this is kind of specific, but I’m feeling oddly desperate. There’s this guy, who may be the love of my life, since I was 16 years old (26 years ago, yikes!) and we’ve been just dancing around each other that whole time. In the meanwhile, we’ve had other relationships, I even got married (now divorced, shockingly). I moved 6000 miles away. But we have stayed in contact the whole time, our connection never changed. I’m moving home shortly, and I’m all up in my feelings about him. Is there any song that deals with the “will they, won’t they” of so many years? We’ve confessed our love a hundred times over the years, but there was always just something that was preventing us taking that final step and being together. Any suggestions are very welcome. Thank you for reading this word vomit of a post!