What should I bring to Yokosuka?
I’m an E-5 (unaccompanied) going to a forward deployed ship. I’m supposed to report in May. I also received my orders last week (if that matters). I haven’t scheduled my HHG because I really don’t want to take anything with me, planned on putting things in storage. But another part of me thinks I should bring some things with me. I have enough furniture to basically furnish a 4 bedroom house (I say that because that’s what I have now). I’m aware that my Cali king bed won’t come with me which is fine. I’m just trying to figure out what should I bring with me? Like should I bring my plates, silverware, etc. With me? Should I bring my couch? My couch isn’t that big. Should I bring one of my 50” tvs (I have two)? Also what should I bring with me on the plane? Any advice or suggestions are much appreciated! Thank you!