Favorite soundtrack in the series? Here’s mine.

Tough choice for me between this, and Hot Pursuit 2.

While I personally enjoy hearing the songs in HP2 (Rush, Bush, ROM, Matt Ragan) a bit more, the NFS 3 soundtrack as a whole is certainly more effective at getting me into an arcade racing vibe. This is in part due to its instrumental nature.

From Rom di Prisco’s “Romulus 3” in the menus, to Matt Ragan’s “Snorkeling Cactus Weasels” in Lost Canyons, these songs just get the blood pumping in a unique way that no other soundtrack in the series does for me.

The lack of licensed music from widely known artists, in favor of a more focused soundtrack from in-house composers is a huge advantage in this case.

Tough choice for me between this, and Hot Pursuit 2.

While I personally enjoy hearing the songs in HP2 (Rush, Bush, ROM, Matt Ragan) a bit more, the NFS 3 soundtrack as a whole is certainly more effective at getting me into an arcade racing vibe. This is in part due to its instrumental nature.

From Rom di Prisco’s “Romulus 3” in the menus, to Matt Ragan’s “Snorkeling Cactus Weasels” in Lost Canyons, these songs just get the blood pumping in a unique way that no other soundtrack in the series does for me.

The lack of licensed music from widely known artists, in favor of a more focused soundtrack from in-house composers is a huge advantage in this case.