Baby is addicted to screens/tv, unsure how to put an end to it.
Hi everyone,
For context, I am a first time mum to a 15 week old boy and I understand this is not true addiction, but I am worried that if it continues going this way, it may when he gets older.
Unfortunately, my son was in the NICU/SCBU for the first month of his life, and had a relapse which required him to go back to SCBU for a week at 10 weeks of age.
My son got used to noise, so those first few weeks we had of him at home, my partner and I would put on the TV to watch one of our shows and act as background noise for my baby, as he refused to sleep in silence or standard white or rain noise. My son was currently sleeping with one of us in the lounge room as his room was not ready for him to be in.
As he got older, he started to become curious and I started catching him looking at the TV.
His grandparents have started putting on Ms Rachel for around 30 minutes each time they have him whilst he is in his bouncer.
He now looks at the TV nearly every time it is on, no matter what is on, he will stare at the TV.
I want to cut the TV out. My partner and I are moving soon, so I am hoping to have his bedroom for play / our bedroom for sleep within the first few days of moving. Neither of these rooms will have a TV in them.
I am concerned that my son will be damaged from the amount of screen time he has had. I have read that it is okay in small amounts from some people, and others say not at all and it will damage his development.
At the moment, my sons development is (if anything) ahead of where it should be or just on the marker.
Does anyone have advice on how to cut out screen time, if it is okay for short periods of screen time & what to do during the day with a 3 month old who refuses to sit still?
Thank you 🥲