Sigma black and sigma 2 black on steam deck

I managed to make both mods work on steam deck. Here are some notes:

Mods downloaded from Nexus

Ninja Gaiden Sigma Black Mod, link below:

Step1 - In desktop mode run Lutris as proton mode, you can do that by running the following command from console

LUTRIS_ENABLE_PROTON=1 flatpak run net.lutris.Lutris

Now add the mod installer as a game in Lutris and used the same prefix as the NGS game. If you don't know the prefix install Proton Tricks from the store and run it, it'll show every game installed and their prefix. You may be able to use a different prefix but I have not tried that.

Step2 - create a shortcut in "Drive C" that opens the hidden .steam folder to get access to the Steam installation of the game To create the shortcut use the following command in console mode:

ln -s /home/deck/.steam ~/Desktop/steamdir

Step 3 - run the install and use the shortcut above to browse to the game folder, it should be in steamapps/common/[NINJA GAIDEN Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ

Step 4 - add the launch command below by right clicking on the game in steam and choose properties: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=dbghelp=n,b %command%

Step 5 - switch to game mode and start the game

OPTIONAL: audio doesn't seem to work on the English pre-rendered cutscens in the game, switch to Japanese audio to "fix" it

Edit: Found a way to make the ENG CG cutscenes work, however it'll remove the Japanese track, I am sure there is a better/easier way to do this, but I am not experienced enough. There are two konsole commands that can be ran inside the 'movies' folder which will make the videos more linux friendly, as well as make both audio tracks english. please note that this will remove the japanese audio tracks from the videos

Switch to desktop mode. Step 1 - Make a copy of the movies folder and keep it just in case something goes wrong. The path to the movies folder is here: [NINJA GAIDEN Master Collection] NINJA GAIDEN Σ\databin\movie Step 2 - right click inside the folder and open a the konsole in the movies folder Step 3 - run the following command in konsole and wait until it's finished.

for fmv in *.wmv; do echo "Transcoding $fmv"; ffmpeg -v quiet -stats -i $fmv -c:v libx264 -map 0:v -map 0:a:1 ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4; rm -rf $fmv; mv -- ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4 $fmv; done

This command will remove the first audio track (Japanese) and leave the second one making it primary (English). Also transcodes everything to be more linux friendly.

Step 4 - run the following konsole command and wait until it's finished

for fmv in *.wmv; do echo "Transcoding $fmv"; ffmpeg -v quiet -stats -i $fmv -map 0 -c copy -map 0:a:0 -c:a:1 copy ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4; rm -rf $fmv; mv -- ${fmv:0:-4}.mp4 $fmv; done

This will copy the first audio track over the second, making it work properly for English settings in the options menu. I'll mention again that THIS WILL DELETE THE JAPANESE AUDIO TRACK so DO NOT USE IF YOU WANT TO PLAY THE GAME WITH JAPANESE AUDIO

If anything goes wrong delete the converted videos and put back in the ones from the backup folder.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Black Mod

Switch to desktop mode

Step 1. Install NM Mod from here:

  • download the file anywhere you'd like, you can use the "Downloads" folder for example
  • extract the contents to any folder
  • after extraction you'll see an "install" folder, copy the contents from the folder to the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 main folder (where you see the .exe file). If you don't know where it is, open steam, right click on the game - click manage - click browse local files

Step 2. install the Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 Black mod from here:

  • download the file anywhere you'd like, you can use the "Downloads" folder for example
  • extract the contents of the file to any folder
  • after extraction copy the "plugin" and "mods" folders to the NGS2 main folder, choose yes to overwrite existing files and folders.

Step 3. Set up the Launch Options command:

  • open steam again, right click on the game, click General and set up the Launch Options to the string below: WINEDLLOVERRIDES=dbghelp=n,b %command%

Step 4. This mod contains an update to the HUD but unfortunately doesn't work well with the Steam deck. To switch back to the original HUD delete the following files:

  • NGS2BHUD.DLL from the "plugin" folder
  • 05387.dat file from the "mods" folder

Step 5. Switch to game mode and run the game.


Step 6. The female chapters in this mod have been improved and should be better when playing on harder difficulty levels, however there is a way to replace the female characters with Ryu.

  • please note that this is not well tested so it might have issues
  • two of the known issues are: cutscenes graphics are bugged out, and sometimes Ryu cannot move and/or attack. This can be fixed by going to the menu (not the quick menu, but the start menu) and equipping the incendiary shuriken. I personaly played chapter 5 as Ryu and it was fine except for the two issues above.
  • to install the version "NGS2-ALPHA-0.8" mod from the same link as above, put it here for your convenience:

  • just like before, download the file and extract it
  • copy the contents of the folder "COPY THIS ONLY TO MODS FOLDER" to the mods folder.