I erroneously gave 1:1000 mg Epinephrine intravenously for anaphylaxis. Please help me understand the possible consequences of this.
I am an RN who had a code rescue today. A patient ate a blueberry scone, and immediately after began to choke and stated he couldn't breathe. The patient started turning cyanotic, couldn't speak, and the tongue swelled up tremendously. I ran to the pyxis and override epinephrine and got the OK from the doctor to give it to the patient. However, in the rush of things, I pulled out the entire vial of 1:1000 epi, and pushed it intravenously. The patient became hypertensive with HR in the 170s. However, the patient's tongue kept swelling up, so the doctor ordered a second dose of epi , this time given intramuscular. As well as 50mg diphenhydramine and 120mg solumedrol. In order to protect the airway, they decided to intubate the patient and took him to the ICU. I reported this event to my manager and did an incident report and alerted pharmacy as well.. I feel insanely horrible, but I want to be educated on the possible consequences of this on the patient. Can anyone care to explain or educate what could happen to the patient as a result of this?
Edit: A lot of people are confused, the concentration is 1:1000 (1mg/ml) and I gave 1mls IV push, which is way overdosing the patient compared to the 0.3-0.5mg to be given IM. I am not happy about this. I feel terrible. The patient is alive, and I have reported this incident. But i feel completely horrible.
The code rescue was called due to the anaphylaxis. During the code rescue, the RR took 5 minutes to come to the scene. We couldn't wait, so the doctor who was already present during the scene instructed me to give epinephrine to the patient, so I ran to the pyxis and took the allergy kit out, which included the epinephrine in a vial that had to be drawn up.