Started ICU, I wish some nurses knew was Medsurg was like

This is not meant to offend anyone, I just moved to the ICU and I enjoy it a lot. I was on medicine for 2 years previously and it was a NIGHTMARE. My mental health was trash, I had way less support and the patients were sometimes so much worse.

Now of course I am new to ICU, so I am sure some days will be worse, but the stress of a critical patient vs the stress of 5 patients who are very aggressive with no support is amazing. I would take this new stress any day. I love that the doctor is around basically everyday and that there is more support from the staff on the floor (although I do know even on medicine it changes unit to unit)

It does kinda piss me off though hearing ICU staff who have never worked on Medsurg make fun of Medsurg nurses. I am sure some Medsurg nurses are the same to ICU nurses but our unit was never like that because we have a team of ICU nurses that would help us on medicine and that we would rely on so much. I hear people say the reports where bad or Medsurg nurses are stupid and I just get frustrated because when you have 5 patients who are active with no help, there is such limited time to think. For example there was one night I was charge and had one nurses patient with chest pain, another nurses patient with a blocked catheter, and people constantly running up to me for questions on top of also having my own patients.

Not every nurse is like this I just kinda wish all ICU nurses could experience what it is like to actually work on Medsurg and understand what it was like. Both are stressful but I have never seen an ICU nurse give up their job to move to medicine, but I have seen many Medsurg nurses move to ICU.

This is just a rant. I love the ICU now and I love the amount of learning and nursing knowledge I am using, I just feel so out of place sometimes with my actual coworkers.