If the Demiurge crafts the material world, is there something that destroys it?

I'm working on some imagery for an occult project and I've become fascinated by the Demiurge as a Gnostic and Minthurian figure. The gnostics believed that the Demiurge was the "false god of the old testament" and the "crafter of the physical world". According to later gnostics, the Demiurge was created by an elder god and tasked with crafting the universe like a brick-layer crafts a house. It is usually depicted as a snake body with a lion head. Thus, since the Demiurge is a crafter of the material universe, the gnostics saw the creature as the god of the old testament and an evil figure since the material plane was considered evil by the gnostics.

My questions is, does the gnostic have a counterpart? Perhaps a destroyer of the material realm? Or a creator of the spiritual realm? If so, does this counter part have distinct imagery? Or is there imagery associated with the realms not crafted by the demiurge.