I want to fuck our couples therapist

Throwaway since my boyfriend knows my Reddit.

We started seeing a couples therapist a few weeks ago for some issues in our relationship. Mainly, my boyfriend has a porn addiction (his words, not mine) and our intimacy is in the trash. I’m lucky if we have sex even once a week, which is always initiated by me. That’s our big argument factor that we’ve been trying to work through.

Our couples therapist understands me in a way that I didn’t know any man could understand me. He is so empathetic and caring towards me. I’m not afraid to admit I definitely have a crush on him. I’m not sure if it’s because I’ve been so lonely for so long, or what it may be. Anytime we’re in session I am completely drawn in by him. We’ve had to have seperate individual sessions with him twice already and when it’s just me and him I feel so happy and seen. I feel butterflies in my chest. I feel so sexually drawn to him.

It’s happened a few times where I touched myself to fantasies having to do with him. Mostly after our sessions. I feel wrong, obviously, but I can’t stop how I feel. I feel like the right thing to do would be to tell my boyfriend we should seek another therapist. I think I’d just feel like a crappy person explaining why.

Thanks for reading this far. Thank you for letting me get this off my chest.