I dont remember the last time my husband finished me
Me and my husband have sex pretty often. I feel I have a really high sex drive, and pleasure myself often on my own, which I enjoy. But now I am constantly pleasuring myself after we have sex and I am sick of it.. It feels really sad actually...
We have a really good relationship. He is a sweet man, provides for me, and are open in our communication- I mean, he is learning how to be open in communicating..
Today after having sex this morning and he was getting up I said "well I guess I'll pleasure myself then", he says okay. I didn't even want to, because it just makes me feel sad. Then I ask him, "do you remember the last time you finished me?" He says no, I dont feel it in this moment.. I ask him why... because all he desires is a coffee and cigarette.
I've struggled with this in the past. Where he would try to finish me after but just isn't here because he wants a cigarette. Even the ODD odd time he asks if I want to be finished, I don't feel open because he has left me hanging so many times, it just makes me feel outside of my body.
I told him I'd like to have a conversation about this later.. I know I need to. I dont know why I am even writing this on here.. I guess just needing to get it off my chest 🙄
When we first started having sex he was always so quick to finish me. Which I don't ever experience.. so it felt like he really cared about my needs.. i was really amazed actually and appreciated that so much.
It makes me feel like he only cares about himself, especially the days when he says all he can think about is a cigarette because he isn't here.
We have had conversations in the past about this, and it seemed to make a difference, for like a week.. then it went back to him finishing (sometimes 3 times) and then I am left hanging.
Edit: a part of me wants to start moving away from him before he is about to finish, saying I am desiring a drink or just don't feel it anymore.. and continue to do this, but I feel this is resentful and not a good way to deal with it.. but I am so generous to him in bed, give him like 2 hour massages and pleasure him with such presence and love..
Edit edit: after looking at my post history, I think to myself "maybe I don't have such a good marriage...". It's like when things are good I forget all the shit.. but also its in the past and I'd like to move forward and beleive we ar evolving and not just repeating ourselves.