Are these roots rotting?


I'm no orchid expert, the lower leaves on my Phalaenopsis orchid have started to sag, the upper ones are fine, no yellow leaves yet and all the flowers have fallen. I decided to check the roots and found a couple of roots that were good at the tips but close to the attachment point they were rotting and unfortunately I had to cut them. I can't figure out if these are rotting too, only one spot is black, the rest are all brown. I have a few questions for the more experienced. What should I do with these roots? Is there a way to keep the orchid alive without having to repot it so I can always see the condition of the roots? If I have to pot the orchid again, what are the best materials to use? Thanks to anyone who can help me.

Additional Information: For fear of overwatering the plant, I soaked the orchid in distilled water for 15/30 minutes, every two or so weeks but less than three weeks. In this period of the year it is very hot, the temperatures where I live are not below 30°C (90°F). I also sprayed the leaves with distilled water. The aerial roots coming out of the pot look dehydrated.