Got A Giant Swuirrel pet from 17 Agility at Draynor’s Village Agility course

I’m new to p2p so don’t flame me. Before I had started training agility, I was doing Horror from the deep quest. Unbeknownst to me, I needed to raise my agility (to 35) to even meet the requirements to do the quest. Unlucky. So I grabbed my Ammy Glory, tele’d to Draynor, got naked and banked all of my items.

Lo and behold, I began my journey to train agility, casually clicking while not paying much attention to my screen. After for some time, I was taunting and teasing a guy who was wearing what appears to be obsidian armour. “Bet you can’t beat me. You’re too slow”. We were neck for neck with each other. You know, you gotta spice it up.

So I went back to mind my own business, then the guy was losing his brains and freaking out.


He proceeds to tell me that it’s rare to get the pet at such low level, and especially at Draynor Village. I don’t know the significance of obtaining the pet since I didn’t even know pets were a thing in OSRS and I played RS since 2007. You can tell I’m an F2P player.

Anyways, I went to GE W302 and trolled some people with it. Got some good laughs.

But I still question….. Is this really rare?

I’m new to p2p so don’t flame me. Before I had started training agility, I was doing Horror from the deep quest. Unbeknownst to me, I needed to raise my agility (to 35) to even meet the requirements to do the quest. Unlucky. So I grabbed my Ammy Glory, tele’d to Draynor, got naked and banked all of my items.

Lo and behold, I began my journey to train agility, casually clicking while not paying much attention to my screen. After for some time, I was taunting and teasing a guy who was wearing what appears to be obsidian armour. “Bet you can’t beat me. You’re too slow”. We were neck for neck with each other. You know, you gotta spice it up.

So I went back to mind my own business, then the guy was losing his brains and freaking out.


He proceeds to tell me that it’s rare to get the pet at such low level, and especially at Draynor Village. I don’t know the significance of obtaining the pet since I didn’t even know pets were a thing in OSRS and I played RS since 2007. You can tell I’m an F2P player.

Anyways, I went to GE W302 and trolled some people with it. Got some good laughs.

But I still question….. Is this really rare?