Will there be witch trials in the US again?
Hi all - sorry to drudge up politics here but I've been feeling a bit spooked since the inauguration and human rights going backwards...
I'm proposing a question for discussion - with far right Christians taking over in the ways they are - do you personally feel threatened or scared at all to continue practicing Paganism? Don't get me wrong, nothing will make me stop believing what I believe at heart, but frankly I'm feeling on edge about being loud and proud about it for the foreseeable future.
For context I live in the Bible belt and a very red state at that. I've been practicing gaianistic Paganism (and kemeticism at times) for the last 15 or so years. Everyone who knows me knows I'm Pagan, grew up in a strict military Catholic/Baptist family. I'm gay, indigenous and disabled. But those issues aside - I wanted to address religious warfare affecting people specifically.
While I don't think it's realistic to have another witch hunt in this modern age, I also didn't believe what happened this past week would happen either...
Thoughts? Feelings? How're you doing regarding all this evangelical hateful tension in the air?
Blessed be friends ~ ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Edited to add further context and grammar adjustments AND I'm noticing that I'm getting down voted a lot despite being open to hearing everyone's opinions and being respectful, so I'm not sure what that's all about. If this offended you in anyway please know that's not my intention at all, nor was my intention to "fear monger" as someone said. Apologies if you've been hurt by anything I said, I'm just curious what people think about the religious-fueled decisions being made within power and how that may or may not affect Pagans (since this is a Pagan sub afterall...) That's all from me - thanks everyone for respectful and insightful comments, and to the rest - thanks anyway and all the best to you!