Does it get easier?

I feel like I’m losing my mind. I have newborn twins and the blur of days is killing me. The second we get one fed and down, the other starts to stir. Even if we get them on a similar schedule (within 30mins of each other best case scenario) I feel like we never get more than 1h-1.5h between feeds….

It’s starting to wear us down…any advice? One baby is colicky and grunts the entire nap so I feel we’re always on alert…no matter what we do (feeding upright, drops, burping, etc). We tried swings (so far they don’t like it they cry right away). It feels draining to always have to hold a twin to soothe them…but maybe that’s just the reality and we need to get used to it?

It gets better right? 😭 could use some advice and a pep talk from similar situations + from people ahead!