Post lap discharge? Should I be concerned

I just had my lap 8 days ago. They took some biopsies and everything was negative for endometriosis, but they did find pelvic congestion syndrome. They removed one polyp from my uterus during the hysteroscopy. I have been bleeding since surgery, but the bleeding is finally slowing down. I do think my period started the day after surgery. I noticed this weird colored chunk of discharge no idea what this is. Never had anything look like this or this color before, could this be a by product of surgery, Has anyone experienced something similar or should I be concerned?

I just had my lap 8 days ago. They took some biopsies and everything was negative for endometriosis, but they did find pelvic congestion syndrome. They removed one polyp from my uterus during the hysteroscopy. I have been bleeding since surgery, but the bleeding is finally slowing down. I do think my period started the day after surgery. I noticed this weird colored chunk of discharge no idea what this is. Never had anything look like this or this color before, could this be a by product of surgery, Has anyone experienced something similar or should I be concerned?