Greed and then Regrets.

So I saved up a few coins, haven't really played much online in the last couple of seasons due to not having much spare time nor the mental stability to deal with lag cheats and contain the raging fits, so went and bought a few coins when the sale was on. The target was to save till atleast 8-9K and then target a box, after purchasing the 777 pack. Had my eyes on the Argentina pack, but wanted to wait till the last day and see if there are any updates for EF25. The Maldini, Matthaus, Cech banner gets announced. I lose my shit, had about 4K, decided to take it slow. Go 100 at a time, has been the best way for me till now because I did pull Davies, Aldair and Rijkaard in the same manner. So anyway, 1000-1500-1500. Expended all coins, got a Raum. Literally a single highlight. I thought any of those would do, any.

Now not only do I have the regret of not getting anything from the 4K coins I had. On top of that, I missed out on signing two big time players and two managers via the France and Argentina pack, I would still have had 1K coins left.


Feel free to clown me ;-;

p.s, are third party vendors legit? I came across a few but don't know if they are legit. I have a 7 years old account, so I know I don't want to lose it ;-; Any feedback or guidance would be really helpful.