I'm a new employee at the Pinball Palace in Dezerland Park Orlando, and the condition of their machines hurt.
Quick background..I've gotten into pinball about a year and a half ago and I used to live up in PA. I would always go to this one arcade called Pinball PA, and that's where I got most of my experience from. A few months ago, I moved down here and quickly got a job at Dezerland Park. The moment I heard they had a pinball arcade I quickly convinced them to let me work at the pos in that area since I friggen love pinball.
What I end up seeing are almost a third of the machines completely turned off, and almost all machines turned on having issues that either mess up the gameplay or just make them unplayable. At the moment, they have a single tech who only comes in once or twice a week for a few hours and they fix one or two machines and leave. Only for said machines to then break and need attention sometimes a few hours after they're fixed.
I honestly just get sad seeing guests come in and tell me their favorite machine is unplayable and they want to leave. I'm no tech or anything, but I do as much as I'm able to with my knowledge (wax machines / get balls unstuck). I just wish I could do more and wanted to ask Reddit if there are any good sources for learning some more in depth things so I can do more for this place. The list of machines they have is insane, and I really see potential but it really feels like I'm one of the only people who really care.
Thank you for reading!! :)