17 inch Gardevoir Plushy on Pokemon Center

Yes yes, I know there's the recent announced 5-ft Life Size.

But I don't think I can afford that one, LOL (even tho it's JP atm, it will probably still be the same price when it comes to NA, about 320 USD)

However, I was looking at the Pokemon Center and saw a 17-inch Gardevoir Plush, is that actually 17 inch? for 24.99 (not sure about any Tax + Shipping fee)

Cause I remember the sitting Gardevoir from a long while ago (which I didn't get) was like 5 inch or something and cost like 17~20. (I didn't get cause it felt like a bit pricy for a 5 inch plushy)

This is quite a good offer if it's actually 17 inch compared to 5 inch and just about 4~7 USD difference.

Just want to make sure this isn't some sort of typo they did, since most other Plushy cost more...

Right next to it, a 10 inch Mewtwo cost 22.99, and at the top 15 inch Hydrapple cost 34.99...