Having an issue recalibrating my Aquarite Salt Chlorine Generator.
So, I have a 25,000 gallon pool and I have never been able to get my salt readings to match. When I personally test the pool as well as take the water to get tested at a pool store I get the same result of around 3200 ppm of salt, But on my Aquarite system, it is stuck at 4000ppm. I have tried recalibrating it as I've seen in youtube videos, but the problem I'm running into is the number never goes low enough. The lowest I can calibrate it is 4000ppm. Now I am very new to pool maintenance and upkeep so if I am not understanding something please let me know if you have any insight into these systems.
My issue is that it doesn't appear like my generator is producing chlorine. At least not enough to keep up with the Texas Sun. I've ran it as high as 80% for 12 hours and my chlorine still drops almost a full 1ppm each day.
My old school maintenance guy, let me know he just cleaned the salt cell last week, And I have checked to make sure the salt cell (t-15) matches what the generator shows. I say he's old school meaning he isn't the best with actually measuring chemicals and prefers to eyeball things. He doesn't know how to look things up on youtube to solve issues with the generator. And he just kind of presses buttons until things work.
So that is the reason I'm trying to take over the whole process, but I'm running into this snag
Here is a video of my attempt to recalibrate, Streamable.com/0nbglh