Recommendations on alternatives to buying distilled water. Water distiller vs Zero Water
We have fairly hard water of around 275-300 TDS and I am getting tired of picking up distilled water from the store to make my own blend. I use approximately 960-1280 daily for my coffee plus when my spouse uses distilled for humidifier in winter. Tired of lugging in all the plastic bottles plus do not like all that plastic, even though it is recyclable for us. I am trying to decide between a water distiller off Amazon or a Zero Water pitcher. I have a Brita but of course that does nothing for my TDS or to reduce the scaling in my kettle. My own blend of water never scales whereas my tap will start scaling within a day or two.
What are the pros and cons of either choice? If going with the distiller I probably would get something like the Vevor with glass pitcher/carafe off Amazon. Any input is appreciated. Cost is less of an issue since in the long run all three choices are in the same ball park.
Or better recommendations on distillers around the less than $100 USD range are also appreciated.