Hey guys, I just found out that I'm pregnant with our first baby. According to the flo app and the start of my last period I am 4 weeks and 2 days. The big question is how long do you wait to tell people? I'd love advice or to hear your own stories on how and when you told your parents/family/friends!
My mom and I are best friends, so close and it's killing me talking to her daily without saying anything or telling her. Of course friends and others can wait but I'm just so excited I feel like I want the support and excitement of my mom knowing! Both our parents actually!
I heard that it's "best" to wait til 12-13 weeks but that's also so far away 😪 it would technically be Christmas time which is what we wanted and to tell friends and family then but I just don't think I can hold off telling my mom.
Leave your advice and stories below please and thank you so much 🫶🏼💕