Weight gain
Hey all! I just went to my Anatomy scan at 21 weeks pregnant today, and everything looks great! Healthy baby. My doctor did comment on how I've gained 18 pounds and the recommended total weight gain is 20 pounds :/
Ever since then I've been stressing about my weight and health, which im not stranger too. I've never been a particularly active person outside of my job, which im on my feet and moving for 5hrs or more at least 5 days a week. Outside of that it's hard to get nutritional food as neither myself or my husband drives, so grocery store trips are kind of out of the question. I still eat greens and such when I can, but it's not often.
I wouldn't mind some encouragement maybe. Thank you!
Edit for a question that popped into my mind: would weight gain or what I'm eating be a possible contributer to getting gestional diabetes? GD has never made much sense in my mind lol 😅