B12 / folate = autism?
Hi everybody. I’m 14 weeks pregnant and absolutely freaking out.
Before getting pregnant, I had my b12 tested and it was low and I found out I had the MTHFR variant. As a result, I started taking 500 mcg b12 and 400 mg folate, in addition to my prenatal. I was advised by a doctor at the time that this was okay to continue this in pregnancy.
Today I read a study that high maternal serum levels of b12 and folate are highly linked to autism in children. The two vitamins I’ve been taking extra of.
I haven’t stopped crying all day. I have been trying so hard and been so obsessed with doing everything right, especially after my miscarriage last year. And now I feel like I did the exact wrong thing.
Does anyone have any words of wisdom to help me feel better? Thanks in advance.