1st pregnancy 20 weeks

Yall this has been an ADVENTURE. My husband and I decided to just stop preventing and have fun, assuming it takes minimum 6-8 mos. False, I was pregnant on the second cycle. I was sick as a dog for the 1st tri, came home from work each day and laid in bed until work the next day. It totally put me on my tail. As soon as we told his mother, she lunged forward like a rabid dog ( think Cujo) and put her yuck hand on my stomach. I've known his mother for YEARS and have actually yelled at her before for touching me. She knows I hate to be touched. I tried to step back from her hand and said oh no thanks I don't like and she followed me and said to get used to it. The whole pregnancy has been her violating me and my husband having to yell at her. She ran and told everyone about the pregnancy after we asked her not to, so now that we know the bio sex she doesn't get to know. I have my own medical trauma that she was a part of (sudden death, coma, she just brought ppl in and out of my room to look at my carcass like a circus act, told everyone my private med info, so on so forth) so her being at the hospital isn't even up for discussion. She calls my husband to ask him if I feel baby and what it feels like, wont talk to me. Addresses my stomach and not me. My husband took my last name and she keeps calling baby "baby his last name" and I just say incorrect! Other than her, 2nd tri has been a breeze. My husband said from day 1 it was a girl even though we had no real preference. We're one and done and found out last week it is a girl. I guess he has some nice instincts. But overall, pregnancy is weird and I'm just thankful I can have my privacy and alone time.