Inability to convert interviews to acceptances
So far I’ve gotten 2 waitlists and 3 deferrals. Which means I haven’t been able to convert a single one of my interviews into acceptances.
Maybe I seriously suck at interviews?? Can someone please give me advice? I’m not sure if I’m asking for advice on interviewing (I’ve done tons of mocks and have been told I interview well?) or on how to convert WLs to A’s or what it is I need to do next or ….. I don’t know I just feel defeated.
I know it’s not over until it’s over, but I’m having a hard time coping when every additional WL/deferral has felt like getting kicked while I’m down. Does anyone have any encouraging words or advice?
Also, for schools that “defer you to be reviewed for later rounds” or whatever… is that just their way of also waitlisting you? Do people really get off those mid-cycle or do you sit until the end just like you would if you were waitlisted?