I’m off!!
Well after getting a gross misdemeanor DUI, I was looking at up to 6 years of probation. I successfully got out in 18 months. Yes, it fucking sucked, and yes it always felt like there were eyes on me every moment. But let me tell you, if you show your PO that you should not be on probation and can be a stellar probationee, your life will be easy. I never once got a UA, now that may not happen for anyone else, but even with that fact I stuck to sobriety and I plan on continuing it. I never thought I would not be able to drink (I was not ever a heavy drinker). But I thought my social life as a 24 year old would be ruined, god it made it so much better.
Guys take probation seriously, your life will be easier, your life will be better.
Much love guys, much love.