I ate gummies & it made me imagine stuff so vividly when I closed my eyes listening to music. It was a good high. I think it gave me perspective, now I wanna hear everyone’s perspective.

I want to see what everyone’s POV on this… So i was listening to local reggae music from back home (Maui, Hawaii) & i imagined myself laying down with i think was an imagined or ideal version of the love of my life. I didn’t see the face but i remember how he made me feel and the type of man he was. He was traditional, rooted in our Hawaiian culture. He was strong, protective, kind, outdoorsy w/ a skateboard haircut. They said shrooms give you perspective, now I know these gummies aren’t shrooms but have other nootropics/ lions maine/ other mushrooms but could this be perspective on the type of future partner that i want when im ready to settle? I recently went thru a drastic breakup w/ someone from a different country & although we loved each other, it got so toxic and after it ended I had time to reflect and I realized a huge part of the relationship ending was the difference in values and culture.