1st Day Quitting Vape Using Nicotine Patches

So I finally decided to quit smoking for good and I had my last puffs last night, then I put the nicotine patch on my left shoulder and I was done with smoking for good.

I woke up today, missing smoking, I wanted to have some puffs really bad before I go to work but I managed to stop the urge and instead I focused on finishing my breakfast.

Later on the road, there was too much traffic and it is noticeable that I am on edge and I wasn't allowing for anyone to bypass me which is unlike me.

The urge to smoke went for many hours during work I have not thought about it at all, then it came back as soon as I started having lunch. I was thinking non-stop about having a couple of puffs after food, I mean it is my favorite times to smoke is after food and when drinking something sweet or sour and cold. This feeling is very tough.

It feels like I want to replace one habit with another habit and if I do not replace the habit of smoking with something else I wouldn't be feeling alright.

Any tips and tricks? I need as much support as this community can provide.