All my contributions erased by Quora

Quora banned my account for "spamming". I did not spam, I hate spam. I used to post several similar answers to already posted several similar questions by Quora users, answers to important questions and provided a rich array of questions and answers on linguistic, cultural, political, economy topics. They have banned and erased everything, all my work of the past 10+ years on Quora.

Quora is right wing. They will delete content that is in any way criticizing the west and protect, but allow or turn a blind eye on anything that ridicules, contempts, taunts other countries, nationalities and races. I know too much about Quora and so they banned me. Unfortunately Reddit is neither a very positive place to post since unfair negative down voting will prevent one from being able to post on majour forums on Reddit.

I will never contribute content on Quora again. I may post a question, receive an answer, or even write an answer, but then soon after I will delete all that I posted.