I think my therapist inadvertently made me realize that I shouldn't try and repair my relationship with my mom
Recently, I have been seeing this new therapist that my boyfriend's mom recommended. I didn't intend on her to really speak or interact with my mom, since me and my mom live in two different countries. Much to my dismay, my mom decided to take a vacation to my country before I even had proper sessions with this therapist. When my therapist met my mom, she immediately told me to try and fix my relationship with her because she "can see my mom wants to change". She suggested that my next session with her I should bring my mom so that we can sort it out and clarify things. I kinda just went with it since everyone around me, including my boyfriend and his mom, were begging me to atleast try
So i did try and I had a session with my mom. I prepared alot, making sure to bring up everything she did that hurt me and I was actually hopeful for a bit. Upon the actual session however, I realized that it was kinda my biggest mistake ever. Every time I brought up something that hurt me, she'd try to gaslight me into thinking that she never said that. Like I brought up the time she called me delusional for wanting to study in a different country, how she constantly picked at my appearance until I reacted and cried, how she threatened to kill my cat and called me crazy when I reacted. I even brought up the time I was molested and she was on the side of the dude who molested me. I thought she would admit it and atleast apologize. But no, she AND my therapist kinda just laughed at me, and she justified every mistake that she had done. She completely derailed the session and started showing my therapist pics of when I was younger to reminisce on how happy and sweet I was before. I dont know how they continued to do that, cause I was sitting there bawling my eyes out and feeling like I wasnt being listened to.
To be honest, the moment right afterward felt rough. I was constantly crying my eyes out and thinking of suicide. However the moment passed, and i realized that I was being like really stupid and silly. I was pissed off at her for not apologizing, for treating my trauma like it was just a funny little game or something. I was actually pissed off at my therapist too, for like encouraging my mom to never change and making her feel like she was in the right. But i dont know; after thinking about it for awhile, i realized that it set me free. I kinda realized that i cant hold the shit that she says in my heart and let it affect me. The last thing i should do is actually treat her like shes important, like she is my mom. Because truthfully, she never was my mom and she never will be. Thanks to my shitty therapist, i can decide with a clear mind to continue going low contact with her.
Not really sure what the plan is now. I think im just going to try and work on myself, work on the problems that I can solve instead of the problems that i cant. I feel a little more free right now, a little more happy.