My mom replaced me with another version of me that she created in her head.

My mother essentially doesn't know who I am anymore. She's the kind of person who decides things all by herself and then things "are like that, period". To give a small but illustrative example, she doesn't "prefer" chocolate ice cream over vanilla ice cream -in her world, chocolate is "better" than vanilla, and you don't "disagree", you're just wrong.

Well, it's also happened with who I am. My mother has decided that I'm a certain kind of person and any time I display any behavior that does not align with who she imagines me to be she interrupts me, changes subject, forgets that I ever did or said it, or looks at me like I'm some form of weird animal that isn't making any sense.

She has decided who I am and I do not make any sense and are not being reasonable when I'm not that person. She won't hear a word about it.

She also has imaginary conversations with me in her head and then acts upon them, oftentimes forgetting she never told me things because she dissociates so hard and often that it blurs her memory.

So she would decide on something, debate it with me in her head, prove me wrong in her imagination, go ahead and do it, and look at me like I'm being strange if I have anything so say about whatever she just did.

Has this happened to anyone?

I'm rather new to reddit, so I'm sorry if this post does not belong here.