Kendrick's Super Bowl Performance and it's Hidden Messaging

"The Revolution is about to be Televised."

Sam L dressed as Uncle Sam

Crips and Bloods making an American Flag

Serene Williams trying to stand the people up

I missed all of this initially when I first watched the half-time show but I implore you all rewatch the performance on YouTube. The symbolism he's showing throughout the performance is seemingly trying to send a message to American to unify and stand up against the government. Am I trippin' or does it seem that way to anyone else too?

Edit: Didn't expect so much negativity from me just commenting on things I noticed during the halftime show. If you didn't like it, that's fine bro. But idk why so many of you are seething in the comments because you hated it that much. Some of yall, Please seek mental help lol this wasn't meant to be this serious