Some thoughts after finishing the game for the first time.
So, I finished the game about a week ago, and I've had some time to mull it over. It's an incredible game (not that y'all need to be told that) and I would definitely rate it as one of, if not my favorite (it's close between it and Baldur's Gate 3). Here are some things I thought about:
- Roanoke Ridge should've been its own state. It's got a completely different vibe from the rest of New Hanover. While NH is mostly based on Montana and the Dakotas (imo), Roanoke Ridge clearly derives its style from the Appalachian Mountains, and West Virginia in particular. It has two cities, and a chapter that would take place in it, so it'd be more involved than West Elizabeth.
- I'm not sure why the gang moved south to Lemoyne in Chapter 3 and not up north to the East Grizzlies. Lemoyne is the most civilized part of the map, with half the state being a huge city. An awful place to hide out, especially for 3 chapters. The East Grizzlies are way more rural, far from anyone, and much less snowy than Colter.
- The ending didn't really get to me much? IDK why. I didn't feel very sad after it, tbh. Maybe that's a good thing? I guess Arthur's death didn't really come as a surprise, and It wasn't very melancholy. Micah and Dutch recieved no penance, and it didn't really feel like it ended much of anything. Not that shocking considering it's a prequel, so it really can't end it, but still.
- Bill has absolutely no plot relevance. I remember him from a single quest (the one with Micah in chapter 6) and even then he doesn't do anything. That interaction was weird, though, as I figured from his harshness toward Micah he'd be set up to be a potential ally for Arthur and John, but then he turns around and tells Arthur to do as he says. I guess he's just an asshole.
- Charles is zaddy, but I figure that was obvious
- I love how involved the Wapiti get in chapter 6. It's such a natural way for Arthur to put some good into the world, however little it actually helps.
- Arthur, at the end of the day, did not redeem himself (even with high honor) but I don't think that was really his goal. His conversation with Ms. Downes shows that he doesn't really think he can be saved. His "redemption" was just saving those he thought were too innocent. (John, Abigail, Tilly, Jack, etc)
I had a lot more stuff to say but it's currently slipping my mind. Oh well. I've already started a new playthrough, and I do plan to finish the epilogue to finally kill Micah (I got to the part where Uncle is saved from the Skinner Brothers before I lost interest).