Thoughts on sharing (33M) psychology/relationship content with SO (33F)?
For the past year, I've been in a relationship with someone who appears to be mostly emotionally unavailable, which comes as a result of her previous relationship. However, we both want to make this work, though I am the one to carry most of the weight of this relationship through compromises, difficult conversations, and patience.
That said, I am worried that she doesn't want to admit that she's emotionally unavailable. Instead, she points to her general lack of happiness, life changes, and so forth as the main reason for our situation. In other words, I believe she's avoiding accountability and acts like a victim while simultaneously waiting for time to solve everything for her.
What are your experiences and thoughts about sharing articles and videos that address your SO's issues more directly and so can make them think differently about certain issues?
She can't afford to go to therapy at the moment, but I need her to start looking inwards since we're otherwise walking in circles.