21F and 23M would you stay with him?
hey so i’m making this post in regards to my relationship. 25M who we are going to call Sam. sam and i dated for five months and everything was so so perfect. we never argued, we never were mad at eachother, etc. i honestly thought he was the man of my dreams and the guy i would get married too. then one day i found him texting his ex and asking her to hangout and honestly some more insane things. so obviously i broke up with him but i was so heartbroken and confused and i didn’t know how i could live without him. so shortly after we broke up i texted him and asked if we could maybe talk ( i know big mistake) and so yeah we talked and decided we can just talk and hangout and maybe we could date again if things felt right. well fast forward to now, ive been having mixed feelings about the whole situation but i thought i was going crazy thinking something was off. then one day sam and i were on call and i saw a vape on his bed, now a bit of a backstory sam vaped and did weed before we met and he stopped right when we started dating. i have super bad anxiety around vaping and weed and actually had to go to therapy about it which he knows. so when i saw this vape i calmly had a conversation with him about it and he admitted to having a vape, but he also admitted he has been vaping and doing weed for the past 3 months and hiding it from me. i honestly don’t know what to do he said he would stop but im really not sure about it.