4 Problems with this "sahih" hadith of Sunni islam
Anas reported that a person was charged with fornication with the slavegirl of Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). Thereupon Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said to 'Ali:
Go and strike his neck*. 'Ali came to him and he found him in a well making his body cool. 'Ali said to him: Come out, and as he took hold of his hand and brought him out,* he found that his sexual organ had been cut. Hadrat 'Ali refrained from striking his neck. He came to Allah's Apostle (ﷺ) and said: Allah's Messenger, he has not even the sexual organ with him.
There are 4 problems with this hadith :
Problem n°1 : Obey to Muhammad is obey to Allah according to Bukhari 7137 https://sunnah.com/bukhari:7137
Narrated Abu Huraira:
*Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "Whoever obeys me, obeys Allah, and whoever disobeys me, disobeys Allah, and whoever obeys the ruler I appoint, obeys me, and whoever disobeys him, disobeys me."
So obey to Almighty Allah is to obey to a false order of Muhammad ?
Problem n°2 : Muhammad ordered to kill someone without any proof of his guilty, without asking the slavegirl and without ask any question to potential fornicator and without asking if 4 witnesses was present to seeing this act according to Quran 24:4 "And those who accuse chaste women and then do not produce four witnesses - lash them with eighty lashes and do not accept from them testimony ever after. And those are the defiantly disobedient**"**
Why Muhammad doesn't wanted apply his own conditions of Hudud with 4 witnesses for this case ?
Muhammad is guilty and his words are not acceptable according to Allah itself ?
Problem n°3 : Allah said in Quran : "The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes" (24:2)
So Muhammad want to apply a death penalty other than the penalty prescribed by Allah ?
Same the abrogated death penalty verse for fornicators is by stoning by rocks and not cuting heads. (Bukhari 2462 and Muslim 1691)
Problem n°4 : Allah says in the Quran about Muhammad "He does not speak from self-desire." (53:3), but according to the fact that implies a slavegirl from Muhammad, it seems that the order of "Strike his neck" to kill a man answer to a rage instead of a intellectual reasonement.
This decision is more close from a angry man or a divine inspiration ?
Conclusion : According to this hadith, Obey to Allah is obey to a wrong Muhammad's order ; Muhammad orders death penalty without respect his own conditions to apply it ; Muhammad is guilty according to Allah (by mouth of Muhammad) himself of lying ; Muhammad don't apply the Allah's law and Muhammad take decisions by rage and not intellect reasonement
If the hadith of Sahih muslim a major source of sunni theology is totally wrong, all the sunna is questionable and not trustworthy.