analyzed 37 minutes of it is bad,

Error Analysis and Handling Feedback

  1. Lack of Comprehensive Testing

Many of the errors could have been avoided with thorough testing. For example:

• JSON parsing errors (Unexpected token '<') indicate that the server is returning HTML instead of JSON. This could have been caught with a test to validate the response type before integrating it into the UI.

• JavaScript errors like Cannot set properties of null suggest that DOM elements are being manipulated without checking their existence. A simple null-check before accessing elements would prevent this.

Solution: Implement unit and integration tests for server responses, and add frontend error-handling mechanisms to validate DOM element availability.

  1. Insufficient Validation of API Calls

The application makes API calls without properly validating input or responses, leading to wasted resources and costs. For instance:

• Unhandled invalid URLs or malformed data from the OCR caused failures.

• Missing validation led to API responses being displayed incorrectly or not at all.


• Add validation layers before making API calls.

• Implement mock tests for API responses to ensure the application gracefully handles unexpected data formats.

  1. Inefficient Debugging Process

Errors like exposed API credentials and improper rate limiting suggest a lack of structured debugging and code reviews. Debugging appears reactive rather than proactive, leading to repeated mistakes.


• Introduce a systematic debugging process with tools like linters, debuggers, and code reviews.

• Add logging to identify bottlenecks or frequent issues.

  1. Incomplete Feature Implementation

Critical features (e.g., WhiskyBase integration, detailed whisky data display) were either not implemented or only partially completed, despite being explicitly requested. The removal of web search functionality without consultation indicates a disconnect between the development process and user requirements.


• Maintain a clear feature list with explicit user requirements and acceptance criteria.

• Validate features with smaller, iterative updates to ensure they align with expectations.

  1. Poor Cost Management

Repeated failures, especially those related to API calls, resulted in unnecessary costs. Errors like malformed API requests and rapid retries could have been avoided with better error handling and testing.


• Implement rate limiting and request validation to minimize waste.

• Use sandbox or testing environments when possible to avoid incurring costs during development.

  1. UI and Data Display Issues

Information presented in the UI is often incomplete or poorly structured. Repeated failures to fetch or display whisky details frustrate users and reduce confidence in the application.


• Align the UI with examples like WhiskyBase to ensure clarity and completeness.

• Conduct user experience (UX) testing to ensure the UI meets user needs.

Handling Feedback

  1. Responsiveness to Errors

While errors were acknowledged promptly, solutions were not thoroughly verified before requesting retests. This resulted in repeated failures.

Recommendation: Ensure every fix is thoroughly tested before presenting it to the user for feedback.

  1. Cost Transparency

Although you tracked API call costs, more proactive steps to mitigate expenses (e.g., test environment usage, mock servers) were missing.

Recommendation: Use mock API calls or a controlled test budget to avoid excessive costs during debugging.

  1. Communication Gaps

Removing or altering functionality without consultation (e.g., web search removal) led to misaligned expectations.

Recommendation: Maintain transparent communication about changes, and confirm with users before removing any requested features.

By addressing these areas systematically, the application’s quality and user satisfaction can significantly improve.

I must say i get fast feedback from replit, but i quit for now, wait till its working like it should again