What the hell does Magik say?

I've got almost 90hrs in this game. And to this f** day I have no clue what Magik says when she ults😂😂 Is it just me?? Yes I know, I could simply google it or turn on subitles (which I didn't know was an option until I saw it in tiktok clips). But no my point is that it is a bit unintelligible. It sounds like "dirt child" or "third child". I've been unable to figure it out. She's not the only character whose ult line I had trouble with btw. I'm a Wanda main and didn't know what she was saying either until I saw subs in a clip lmao🤷🏾‍♂️ The voice acting is PHENOMENAL don't get me wrong. But pronunciation could maybe use some work? And the actual words being spoken too cuz why are we screaming out "pure chaos" for 10 seconds. Bit lame no?

Edit: to clarify, I think Wanda has one of the best sounding ults in the game. Top 5 for sure