Ideas for Jailbreak

• Add an XP reward to bonus robbery rolls based on the robbery's difficulty (Cargo Train would give like 5-10 while Tomb or CEO could give upwards of 20). In turn, either make the season pass longer with more rewards (maybe up to lvl 15 or even 20) or spread out the milestones more (instead of 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. it would be multiples of 2 or 5). This is basically combining the OG Season lvl system with the new one.

• A new event, or have a previous huge event return, such as a 5 Days of Vehicles 2023 Edition or possibly even another Live Event, the possibilities go on.

Me and a friend thought of these while in deep conversation about the game, I'd love to see other people's thoughts/ideas for how Jailbreak could be better (ignoring the people that just go "OlD jAiLbReAk BeTtEr" and just constantly whine about a perfectly good game thats recieving consistent attention by its development team which is rare on Roblox as a whole)