Our Human Role in the future
Lets say the future is today. Robots do all the work. We get our universal income, lets say 60k. Same thing as today these billionare around like Musk, Bezos. Do you personaly need more? more as in goals, ambition, the struggle that builds character. I know mowing your lawn can be a pain but once you are done you get a sense of accomplishment and pride. Nothing that you got paid for. Is that the new work? I'm thinking in terms of the trust fund babies that end up being drug addicts because there is no drive in them. I'm sure that a lot of people will not be happy with just the average pay just like today and want more. Will we also bother to learn anything since the robot knows it all, will our brains just slip into dementia? What are your thoughts, the robot cost as much as your cell phone and he can do anything from A- Z.